About Taiga Fly
Taiga Fly Productions started in 2023 as an idea, a burning passion for exploring the outdoors and learning about wildlife and fish and a love for documenting it through the lens of a camera. A hobby that slowly grew into a community of anglers with deep love for fly fishing and respect for all species of fish.
Born and Raised in Yukon Canada, exploring waters and land without the imprint of civilization is just a short drive away. The possibilities to explore, learn and be in the water with native species is a never ending journey that we love.
As a videographer/photographer documenting moments, telling stories and capturing emotions is a never ending journey, meeting likeminded individuals and companies and creating connections to share knowledge is what we are all about.
Native fish populations and the wildlife that rely on it are important to us and creating the smallest imprint while sharing our experiences is what we do best.
Taiga fly is more then a brand. Its a dream shared between fellow anglers who’s love and appreciation for the Worlds Rivers, lakes and oceans comes before anything else!
Welcome to the community!
we appreciate your support and hope you enjoy embarking on this journey with us.
Brands we work with